What do you need to practice aerial yoga??

Aerial yoga has gained popularity in recent years as a unique and exciting way to practice yoga.


Combining the relaxing essence of yoga with the weightlessness of swinging, this discipline offers unique physical and mental benefits.


If you are thinking about immersing yourself in the world of aerial yoga, it is crucial to have the right elements.


Here you will find everything you need to know to practice aerial yoga.

Aerial Yoga Swings

Aerial yoga Swing

Inspired by Kuruntas: These swings are inspired by a more traditional practice and are narrower.


Made of elastic fabric: they are wider and allow you to lie down inside, which makes it a padded support.


With handle: this type of swing allows for expanded posture variations and is usually made of rigid fabric. There are several brands available.


Keep in mind that whatever swing you choose to practice on, the basics are the same.

How to install the swing?

hook aerial yoga
aerial yoga rig

What is needed to hang the aerial yoga swing?


We present 5 structures where you can hang your swing.


It is important to consult a professional about their resistance.


As a general rule, the structure should support triple your weight.


Exposed beam: Any sturdy beam where you can hang your swing.


Ceiling Mount Hooks: There are specific hooks for aerial yoga. It is worth clarifying that not all roofs are suitable.


Aerial yoga support: It is generally composed of tubes arranged in a triangular shape, very stable and resistant.


Tree branch: This can be another option for practicing outdoors.

Remember that not all branches are resistant, even if they seem that way.

What else do you need to practice aerial yoga?

Finally, what you need to practice aerial yoga is a yoga mat and the desire to learn.

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