What does astrology propose regarding Polarity and Polarization?
As one dives into the Astrological Symbols, it becomes clear that poles, far from being in conflict, separated, or excluding one another, are actually interconnected, complementary.
The signs are opposite and complementary.
Poles exist in a dynamic of interpenetration, in Yin-Yang. At the heart of the illuminated lies the shadow, and at the heart of what is shadow, there is light.
But accessing the perception of Polarity where we once saw Polarization is not an intellectual exercise or mere ideological adherence. It is a matter of experiencing it, is actually a perceptual experience.
To study the Astrological language is to train a certain way of perceiving reality. When one observes reality through the Astrological symbols, Polarity, this bond of complementarity between the poles, becomes evident, perceptible.
This is in fact inscribed in the way the Signs, these symbols, relate to each other by design.

It’s common knowledge that there are “12 Zodiac Signs.” While it’s true that we can name 12 different signs, it’s never really been 12. Instead, there have always been 6 pairs of signs, 6 axes. Based on the Principle of Polarity, each sign is interconnected to its apparent opposite. We can’t think of one without the other. Therefore, understanding each sign as an isolated entity leaves out half of the information, it leaves it incomplete and it promotes polarization.

Let’s go back to the practice of Yin Yoga, based on the Taoist philosophy of Yin and Yang. Both astrology and Taoist philosophy explain Yin and Yang as complementary forces representing opposite yet interconnected aspects of life and existence. In traditional Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang are fundamental concepts symbolizing duality and balance in the universe, the Dao.
Resuming astrology…
It’s common to use the term ‘Opposing Signs’ to talk about these pairs. However, this term in a way implies struggle, separation. Speaking of ‘Complementary Opposites’, on the other hand, allows us to move away from that rather polarizing view. Accepting the complementarity present in opposites allows us to see the connection between poles that initially seemed contradictory. And this perspective, without a doubt, promotes a much richer and expansive understanding of what we observe and experience.
Throughout the following articles we are going to learn about each of the 6 Zodiacal Axes, and the questions of human experience and reality that each one represents. Through each Axis we will observe how the Principle of Polarity and the Polarization Paradigm operate in our consciousness, revealing how those things in life that we believed to be opposite, exclusive, antagonistic, are in truth two expressions or manifestations of the same thing.
To read the following articles choose one of the Complementary Opposites.
Yin Yoga Class

Article written in collaboration with Steph S · Astrologer
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