Oceans!!! source of inspiration.
There are few things in life more rewarding than being in harmonious contact with nature.
And the ocean is something that predominates here in Indonesia.
Yoga by the sea.
When we connect with the ocean, we can feel it breathing, through the pulses that we call waves.
We feel how it moves, with its currents and it observes us, through the abundant life it houses.
We feel reborn! It is the sensation that remains after having been in contact with this immense salt water body.
Body that moves, like all the fluids on the planet, to the beat of the Moon.
By observing the ocean and analyzing all the processes that occur inside and outside, we realize that it is teaching us a lot.
It teaches us to live with each other, recycle, balance forces, evolve, thing we also put into daily practice in Aerial Yoga.
Yoga by the sea.
As in the ocean, in aerial yoga we are always in search of a balance.
Balance that is moving away and coming closer, thus guiding our movements.
For the above mentioned, we should be immensely grateful to the ocean, give it our respect and do something for it.
Well… In this case, one of the ways is through the conservation of the seas, oceans and beaches of the planet.
Putting into practice whether small or large actions can contribute to the conservation of the Oceans.
And you can help from anywhere in the world (let’s not forget that it is a large interconnected body of water).
Here in Lembongan, being surrounded by this beautiful body, the connection is very intimate.
We connect through its breeze, the sound of its waves, its tides, it is always present in our daily lives.
That is why we feel very deeply the need to do something for him.
Both the local community and the foreigners who live on the island carry out activities directly or indirectly related to conservation.
Conscious consumption.
Whether it is the food we consume or other types of products, our idea is to consume (and encourage people to do so) products that generate the least possible environmental impact.
This involves locally or regionally made products (that have not crossed the world to reach our hands) with minimal, if any, plastic packaging.
Other aspects to take into account is the method of intention of what we consume, the most sustainable being the most recommended.
Plastic recycling.
Certain points on the island collect plastics and recycle them.
Beach cleaning.
They are organized periodically on the island, and it is an activity that you can be a part of during your stay.
Avoid the use of single-use plastics.
Tip: if you plan to come to Nusa Lembongan, bring your bottle of water. Today it is easy to find places to recharge it.