Aerial yoga Baddha Konasana



In Aerial Yoga we perform many of the Yoga postures, adapting them to the swing, thus taking advantage of both benefits. Like for example the butterfly pose.


There are many Yoga postures that are transferred to the swing, increasing balance and joint mobility.


If you already practice Yoga, it is a way to give routines another approach and dynamics, thus renewing your desire.


If you have never practiced Yoga, you will enjoy a very dynamic variant of it, enjoying all its benefits.


The butterfly pose is one of the many that we can practice on the swing.


The good thing about this pose is that it can be done upside down, adapting the height of the swing to different levels.

lower back relief

Postura de la Mariposa Invertida

Benefits of the butterfly pose:

  • It allows the opening of the hips and the elongation of the groin.
  • Improve flexibility.
  • Stimulates the digestive and lymphatic systems.
  • Stabilizes and aligns the spine.
  • Promotes blood circulation.

Step by Step

Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose) Inverted Variation
  • Take the swing firmly with your hands.
  • Place your feet one by one, in such a way that the soles touch each other.
  • Place the hips forward, in contact with the swing.
  • Pass both arms and the torso between the two ropes of the swing.
  • Hold onto the swing with your hands, above your heads.
  • Lower your hips until you reach the height of your heels or a comfortable position for you.

We may make the movements more impact-free and smoother by hanging from a swing.


I always recommend performing these pose, at least at the beginning, under the supervision of Yoga professionals. Do not hesitate to contact me.

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