Private Yoga Instructor

How much do a private yoga instructor cost in us?

Private yoga classes can start at $70. This means that it is possible to find private lessons that have a higher cost.

How much do a private yoga instructor charge in New York?

Private yoga classes can start at $120

private yoga instructor

The web is full of sites that offer private yoga instructors. Indeed you have to ask yourself why is so expensive. Here you can find answers and solutions to your budget.

yoga class

You may be wondering why private yoga instructors have this cost. And many will think “in a group class I can pay less”, this has a logical answer.


A professional yoga instructor, dedicated exclusively to a single student, must establish a cost that reaches or exceeds that of a group class.

The price varies if the instructor needs to travel, depending on the length of the class and the experience of the teacher. The instructor will dedicate himself or herself exclusively to meeting your needs, which you will hardly obtain in group class.


A professional and committed yoga instructor is constantly preparing and nourishing his or her practice of yoga. Instructors attend yoga trainings, workshops, and retreats that help them increase the quality of knowledge they will share with their students.

How to choose the right YTT for you?

All you need to know in this click.

Likewise, yoga is a physical as well as spiritual and mental practice. With a private yoga instructor, you will have the opportunity to express yourself more freely.


For more personalized attention and to overcome those details that are more difficult for you, take private yoga classes.

If this interests you, you should know that with us you have the possibility of taking private yoga classes online.


We are charging only 45 (USD) an hour for a limited time.

Send a message to try one-on-one class and enjoy the benefits!

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